Product Description
Adamo Milk thistle is an excellent home remedy for liver and gallbladder diseases as well as jaundice. Drinking its tea regularly helps to dissolve gallstones.
An important ingredient for the tea blend of diabetic patients. Due to its bitter content, it is stomach-strengthening and digestion-promoting.
All parts of the coltsfoot plant have healing properties, although most of the active ingredients are found in the root. Its main active ingredients are resins and bitter substances.
Antiseptics reduce the growth of pathogenic bacteria settled on the mucous membrane by forming a thin layer on the mucous membrane. Bitter substances, on the other hand, stimulate the production of digestive juices.
Tea made from dandelion is an appetite stimulant, stomach tonic beverage. It increases the secretion of the liver and gall bladder. It dispels feelings of fullness and bloating. It is a key ingredient in bile-driving tea blends, but is also effective on its own for bile disorders, especially in cases of gallstones. It complements well with other herbs in bile-driving tea blends like yarrow, dandelion, peppermint, nettle, and small-flowered willowherb.
It can also be used to treat externally inflamed, acne-prone skin.
How to make dandelion tea:
Pour one heaping tablespoon of the herb over 1 cup of cold water, bring to a boil, and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.
Then strain. It can be consumed with 2-3 cups a day. It is very bitter, but if possible, do not sweeten it.
If you cannot drink it otherwise, add honey to it.