• Herbal tea blends
  • Medicinal Herbs
Fitodry Maca Root 50 g
Calming, tension-relieving effect. For promoting sleep, improving sleep quality on its own,...
BAM Score: 0.34
1.53 USDC 1.53 USDC
Pharmacy bio children's rooibos tea 20x1,5g 30 g
Product description APOTHEKE BIO ROOIBOS TEA FOR CHILDREN With the pleasant taste of rooibos for everyday hydration for children from 6 months of age.
BAM Score: 0.35
3.94 USDC 3.94 USDC
Mom buys 50g of dried bay leaves
In case of respiratory infections, sore throat or mouth ulcers, it has a soothing effect...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.08 USDC 1.08 USDC
Mom Stop St. John's Wort 50 g
In case of lung, throat, and intestinal disorders.
BAM Score: 0.35
0.99 USDC 0.99 USDC
Medicinal herb with lemon balm leaves 50 g
Nerve and heart soothing, antispasmodic. It stimulates digestion, and is often used for headaches,...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.56 USDC 1.56 USDC
Mama Drug 50g of St. John's Wort
Appetite-stimulating, digestion-improving effect. Especially in chronic digestive disorders where gastric juice is insufficient...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.42 USDC 1.42 USDC
Fitodry nettle leaf 50 g
Juniper is a good digestive and appetite-enhancing herb, it increases gastric acid secretion, and it is used...
BAM Score: 0.34
1.05 USDC 1.05 USDC
20 g of marigold petals from Mecsek
Marigold tea is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, cholagogic, immunomodulatory,...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.99 USDC 1.99 USDC
Yogi organic green energy tea 17x1.8g 31g
Green Energy - Energizing green tea. Organic product. Green tea with herbs, guarana and kombucha. ENERGIZES, HELPS CONCENTRATION, FRUITY
BAM Score: 0.35
4.17 USDC 4.17 USDC
Mother Drop fennel 50 g
It has antispasmodic, carminative, and anti-flatulent effects, it acts as an expectorant, mucolytic, and cough remedy in the airways....
BAM Score: 0.35
0.94 USDC 0.9400000000000001 USDC
Fitodry fruit tea wild cherry 100 g
Product Description: The mixture containing diced fruits preserves their natural flavor and enhances the pleasure of drinking tea.
BAM Score: 0.35
3.30 USDC 3.3000000000000003 USDC
0.94 USDC 0.9400000000000001 USDC
Yogi organic tea with licorice and mint 31 g
Organic product. Ayurvedic spice blend. Does not contain caffeine.
BAM Score: 0.35
4.03 USDC 4.03 USDC
Apotheke organic children's immucare herbal tea 20x1.5g 30 g
Product descriptionAPOTHEKE BIO IMMUCARE HERBAL TEA FOR CHILDREN A tea blend designed for children to consume during cold and flu seasons.
BAM Score: 0.35
3.64 USDC 3.64 USDC
50 g of medicinal herb veronica herb
The plant contains triterpene glycosides (sangvisorbins), tannins (ellagitannins), flavonoids...
BAM Score: 0.34
1.92 USDC 1.92 USDC
50 g of dried ribwort plantain
The Bigiba is an appetizer, expectorant, tonic, calming, nerve-strengthening, antispasmodic, and...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.72 USDC 1.72 USDC
Mama Drog hibiscus flower 50 g
Drinking hibiscus tea can significantly reduce blood pressure, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
BAM Score: 0.35
1.56 USDC 1.56 USDC
Mama Drug nettle leaf 30 g
Bigiba leaves, both large and small, are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, strengthening the immune system,...
BAM Score: 0.35
0.72 USDC 0.72 USDC
1.90 USDC 1.9000000000000001 USDC
Herbal motherwort leaf 50 g
Plant-based laxative, increases bowel movement, inhibits reabsorption of water and minerals...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.42 USDC 1.42 USDC
Fitodry orbáncfű 50 g
For the relief of nervous restlessness, mild neurotic, depressive symptoms, and mood disorders...
BAM Score: 0.34
0.96 USDC 0.96 USDC
Fitodry Nettle Leaf 50 g
Nettle, known by its Latin name Urtica dioica, has long been recognized and used as a powerful blood purifier...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.17 USDC 1.17 USDC
50 g of medicinal herb bodorrózsa
Laboratory and rodent experiments have shown that extract of bodor rose inhibits the...
BAM Score: 0.35
2.11 USDC 2.11 USDC
Herbal blend for IBS/constipation tea 50 g
BAM Score: 0.35
2.98 USDC 2.98 USDC
Yogi organic green chai tea 17x1.8g 31 g
Organic product. Ayurvedic spice blend with green tea.
BAM Score: 0.35
4.17 USDC 4.17 USDC
Mama Drug catnip 50 g
Internally applied: promotes digestion, has antispasmodic effect, relieves gas, reduces inflammation...
BAM Score: 0.35
0.99 USDC 0.99 USDC
Mother Drog corn whisker 40 g
For urinary tract disorders, kidney stones, bladder sand, and diabetes. Proven to...
BAM Score: 0.35
0.94 USDC 0.9400000000000001 USDC
0.94 USDC 0.9400000000000001 USDC
Medicinal herb blackcurrant leaf 50 g
Gallbladder and bladder problems, diarrhea, mild increase in blood sugar level.
BAM Score: 0.34
2.31 USDC 2.31 USDC
Juvapharma Medical Sage Leaf 40 g
JUVAPHARMA MEDICAL SAGE LEAF TEA Juvapharma medical sage leaf tea is recommended for inflammation and...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.81 USDC 1.81 USDC
Healing herb catnip 40 g
Calming and soothing for the nerves and heart. Stimulates digestion and is often used for headaches,...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.56 USDC 1.56 USDC
Medicinal herb lime flower 50 g
Excellent against tonsillitis and various mouth infections. Upper respiratory tract infections, feverish colds,...
BAM Score: 0.35
3.58 USDC 3.58 USDC
Mama Drog hemp root 50 g
Liver and bile disease, jaundice is an excellent home remedy, regular consumption of its tea helps...
BAM Score: 0.35
1.42 USDC 1.42 USDC
Mom's Drug sage 50 g
Mildly antibiotic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, mainly for throat, gums, and oral mucosa...
BAM Score: 0.35
0.94 USDC 0.9400000000000001 USDC
Mom Drug dandelion root 50 g
Known from experience, later partly proven experimentally in wound and bone healing,...
BAM Score: 0.35
2.41 USDC 2.41 USDC
Mama Drog Baby's Breath Leaf 50 g
It is used for its appetite-stimulating, digestion-promoting, antispasmodic, and carminative effects.
BAM Score: 0.34
1.05 USDC 1.05 USDC
Juvapharma Hawthorn Flower 40 g
JUVAPHARMA HAWTHORN FLOWER Improves blood supply to the heart and its metabolic processes, thus...
BAM Score: 0.34
1.83 USDC 1.83 USDC